For media inquiries, please contact us here.
Media Presence
- Catching Up Podcast Series, "Other impacts - Building a blueprint to measure the unknown". Link
- Der Freitag, "Das Müllmonster im Pazifik: Können die Weltmeere noch gerettet werden?". Link
- First Fridays Live Webinar Series, World oceans day, Samuel Lawrence Foundation. Link
- Daily Mail, "The Great Pacific Garbage Patch: Shocking images show the world's biggest ocean tip as clean-up intensifies.". Link
- CBS News, "There are thousands of tons of plastic floating in the oceans. One group trying to collect it just got a boost". Link
- Global News Canada, "Organization hopes to clean up the world's oceans". Link
- O Globo, "Como ONG holandesa tirou mais de 9 mil toneladas de plastico de rios e oceanos do planeta". Link
- Blog post on The Ocean Cleanup website: "How we ensure an environmentally sound cleanup". Link
- Tagesanzeiger, "Plastikabfall im Pazifik schafft neuen Lebensraum für Küstentiere". Link
- The Wall Street Journal, "Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch Is Bursting With Life". Link
- CNN, "The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is now so huge and permanent that a coastal ecosystem is thriving on it, scientists say". Link
- PADI, "PADI and The Ocean Cleanup Team Up Against Debris in Malaysia and the Dominican Republic". Link
- Blog post on The Ocean Cleanup website: "System 002 and marine life: Prevention and mitigation" Link
- SRF (Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen), "Wie gravierend ist das Plastikproblem in der Schweiz?". Link
- Shark Week: The Podcast, "The Ocean Cleanup's mission to eliminate a garbage patch twice the size of Texas". Link
- Nature News, "Ocean 'garbage patch' is filled with fishing gear from just a few places". Link
- SPIEGEL, "Pazifischer Müllstrudel besteht vor allem aus Fischereiabfällen". Link
- Blog post on The Ocean Cleanup website: "The other source: Where does plastic in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch come from?". Link
- Blog post on The Ocean Cleanup website: "North Atlantic microplastic concentrations may exceed safe levels for marine life without intervention". Link
- Interview for SRF (Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen) news podcast on microplastics in the environment (starting at 9:30min). Link
- Blog post on The Ocean Cleanup website: "Neuston in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and the impact of cleanup". Link
- Discussing the importance of science in storytelling with the directors of the Netflix documentary "Seaspiracy" on the The Ocean Cleanup Podcast series "Catching Up". Link
- Scientific evaluation of the Netflix documentary "Seaspiracy" for the Swiss newspaper TAGBLATT. Link
- Interview for the Swiss newspaper TAGBLATT related to the observed trend of academics returning home to eastern Switzerland. Link
- Interview for Mongabay on the role of cleanup efforts in solving the marine plastic pollution crisis. Link
- Discussing marine plastic clean-up strategies at the Ocean Plastic Webinars series. Link
- Interview for NL alumni network: "Getting to the bottom of plastic pollution". Link
- Interview for Eos Science News: "Below the Great Pacific Garbage Patch: More Garbage". Link
- Behind The Paper blog post for Nature Sustainability Community: "Plastic fallout from the North Pacific Garbage Patch". Link
- Blog post on The Ocean Cleanup website: "Great Pacific Garbage Patch slowly breaks down into microplastics to pollute the deep sea". Link
- Video interview for The Economist (starting at 4:20min). Link
- Article in The New Yorker covering our publication on a global mass budget for positively buoyant macroplastic debris in the ocean. Link
- Interview for ZDF (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen) related to a new study finding microplastics in snow. Link
- Video interview for The Ocean Cleanup: "How much plastic is in the ocean?". Link
- Blog post on The Ocean Cleanup website: "Chasing plastics: How to close the ocean plastic mass balance". Link
- Interview for Dutch online science platform NEMO Kennislink: "Waar gaat dat plastic in de oceaan heen?". Link